Morning Rituals To Kick Start Your Day

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Morning ritual

Well begun is half done, goes an old saying and it assumes great significance when we use it in context of beginning of a new day. Your energy levels and productivity is greatly affected by the kind of start you give to your day. Your morning routine has the power to make or break the complete day.

Many people begin their day in a very casual, unplanned and rushed manner. This lead to rollover of the previous day’s chaos and stress on to the new day. Instead you need to take it as a whole new opportunity to correct what didn’t went right the previous day. I have found that developing a morning ritual that we diligently follow daily, do wonders to our efficiency and mood through the day. Everybody will have their own routine but following are some of the common rituals that we can practice to give a kick start to our day:

Get Up Early

Develop the habit to get up early by 5 A.M. It is very calm at this time and you will be able to get much more done when there are no distractions. You will have ample time at your hand to plan your complete day in advance. Drink a glass of warm water with lemon to wake up your internal organs. You may also add honey to it for enhanced taste and additional benefit of weight loss.


Exercise first thing in the morning to keep your body in fit shape. If you are not inclined to strenuous exercises, start with some simple stretching to improve your circulation and get rid of morning rigidity. A simple walk or jog in the park even if it be for half an hour will be good for your heart. Beside the obvious physical benefits when you work out, there is a release of few neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin in your brain which gives you feeling of elation and happiness. Take your spouse or a friend along with you. This will make you more disciplined for your routine and at the same time will be good time for personal bonding.


After the physical exercises give the nourishment to your soul. Meditate in the morning calm for sometime. Meditation for 15-20 minutes daily will be a very fulfilling experience that prepare you for the coming challenges of the day. While you meditate try to focus on your breathing. If your thoughts go astray, don’t worry and just remain aware of your breathing. Pray for a short while and see your stress dissolve.

Good Breakfast

A good healthy breakfast goes a long way in making your day great. You may be in a rush for your work but take time out for the first meal of the day and always keep in mind that there are many reasons Why You Should Never Skip Breakfast. Your body is low on energy as it has gone without food for 10-12 hours and the physical exertion of work out in the morning. Breakfast provide for depleting reserves of energy and increases alertness and metabolism.

Having a healthy breakfast is beneficial in fighting against obesity, diabetes and heart disease prevention as well as improving memory functions.

Revisit Your Goals

Before you step out take time out to revisit your both short term term and long term goals list. Your goals provide for the direction where you are headed. They are the light house to steer your ship in the coming storm of the day. Going through your To-Do list will allow you to plan your day to be best utilized in the most productive way. At the outset pick your must do items for the day and start from them only. Long term goals will keep you motivated through the day.

Remind yourself of your wins and achievements. As New York Times bestselling author of Having it All and mindset expert, John Assaraf says that he along with list of his goals, also keep a list of his past achievements that serves the purpose of reinforcing his belief in himself and his capabilities. It gives a boost to your confidence.

Start With Why

Remind yourself about the purpose behind what you are targeting. Start your day by reaffirming your ‘why’. Be creative in the morning when you are fresh, look for some fresh ideas and visualize other ways to achieve your goals.


Morning is the best time if you do some reading. Read some positive, inspirational books that will add to your knowledge as well as inspire you to do something valuable. If you read for only 20 minutes in the morning, it is equivalent to reading 20 pages of 200 books in an year. Just imagine what change this may bring in you. Develop a habit of writing a journal about your thoughts and ideas in the morning when you are inspired and creative juices are flowing.

Dress Smart

Most people get to know you first by your external appearance. For great confidence and increased appreciation by others take good care of yourself. Look sharp and good by grooming and wearing smart clothes and accessories. Keep in mind that it is not just about making some fashion statement but also how you view yourself.

Stay Away From Social Media

Social media today has become a big distraction for people and causes loss of most productive hours. If you want to make your mornings efficient then stay away from social media or unproductive works like checking emails. These should be done only after the most important tasks of the day have been completed.

Listen To Audio Books

While travelling to work make it a habit to listen to audio books in your car. This will be quite informative and nourishing for your mind. On an average if you travel 2 hours in your car then this habit alone will provide you an over 550 hours of learning in an year.

Listed above are some of the habits and rituals that I follow daily to make my mornings positive and inspiring. A good start to the day causes a surge of energy and resultant productivity at work. At the same time I feel more calm and healthy due to my morning rituals.

Related article: 7 Tips For A Bright Day

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