How To Have A Winning Attitude


You are the only person who will determine the outcome of your life. Whether you carry on in your life with a positive attitude, with hope for the future or with a negative attitude of complain, self doubt or hopelessness, it is entirely up to you. See yourself at peace with yourself, visualize your success even when you… continue reading »

Do You Have What It Takes To Be A Leader

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“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, YOU ARE A LEADER” – John Quincy Adams Leadership is social influence on the people that motivates them to put their efforts in achieving common goal. It is setting a vision for growth, empowering people and increasing their worth. Leadership is… continue reading »

How to 10X Your Productivity

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Everybody has been provided 24 hours in a day by mother nature but still we find that some people manage to complete much more than most others. Mystery of this lies in being productive rather than remaining busy. To get more done at the end of each day gives a sense of accomplishment to the person…. continue reading »

How to make people like you

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Being likable is under your control and it can be cultivated by following some simple guidelines. To develop instant rapport and to be liked it requires that you develop some good conversation skills. Different people may have different approach towards this but there are a few common and general steps that you need to master to… continue reading »

7 Tips For A Bright Day

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Every morning marks the beginning of a new chapter of our life. Once we get to work in our busy life it is easy to get caught up with the routine and the stress it brings along with it. To fight this stress and make our day bright it’s important how we set tone for the… continue reading »

3 Qualities of an Effective Manager


True leaders and great managers in today’s workplace must instill a high performance mindset and at the same time create a culture whose foundation promotes teamwork and competitiveness for the advancement of the whole organization. They must earn the trust of their colleagues and inspire team unity. Best managers are always proactive and motivate each member of their team…. continue reading »



Do you have what it takes to be successful. As a matter of fact there can not be one or two qualities that are required to make a person successful, neither the scope of success could be limited to either of career, finance or relations only, rather success is a mindset where the individual is at… continue reading »